We understand it can be frustrating to be charged for a service you thought you had cancelled. Rest assured that once you cancel your subscription with us, you will not be charged again. Our system is automated to prevent any charges after a cancellation has been processed.
If you were charged recently, you may have cancelled after your most recent auto-renewal. Our membership renewals are both date and time sensitive to when you first started the membership. If you cancel your subscription after your account has already renewed, you will still have access to the service for the duration of that billing cycle. However, you will not be charged again in the future.
If you are in the 14-day cooling-off period post-renewal and you cancel your membership in the 'Membership & Billing' section of your account, you’ll be refunded any membership fee paid, your membership will be terminated, and we will reach out via email confirming your refund has been actioned.
If you believe you were charged in error, we are happy to help. Please contact our Member Happiness Team HERE.