This can be found at the top of your order confirmation or under the 'Order History' section of your account. If you do not have an order number, please insert 0.
Enter the name of the product(s) you'd like to request a return for
While we appreciate your help, please prioritize your safety. If confirming the batch number could be hazardous, please let us know so we can assist you in a different way. Please click this link to find instructions on how to find the Batch Number on your product ->
Select your product query
Enter the brand you're currently using
Enter the product name you're currently using
Enter the current shade and number you're using
Let us know which of these best describes your skin type!
Please detail what promo code you are trying to apply and where you found this code
Please enter the details of your request. Our Member Happiness Team will respond as soon as possible, currently up to 3-4 business days.