To join Beauty Pie, simply add a membership to your shopping bag and you’ll be able to shop at our exclusive members-only prices! You won’t pay anything, or officially join, until you check out.
If you’ve chosen Beauty Pie+, you’ll pay one upfront fee for the whole year and your membership automatically renews on the same date the following year, unless you cancel.
If you’ve chosen Beauty Pie Monthly, your membership fee will be taken on the exact day and time that you originally signed up, each month. If you joined us on the last day of the month, your renewal date will always be on the last day of every month going forward (i.e. in February, which only has 28 days, you’ll renew on the 28th rather than the 29th, 30th or 31st). If you have upgraded or had a problem with your payment - resulting in a break in your first membership date - the new date and time of your re-activated membership will be your new renewal date every month.
Payment is taken automatically using the card you registered in the ‘Membership & Billing’ tab. You can amend your method of payment at any time in this section.